Asked Questions

Ligali is a Pan Africanist activist organisation that is constantly attacked by the British media for holding our radical, liberatory, human rights stance. Below are some answers to the many questions people have about our motives and methods. 

We use the term African British as a legal definition used to refer to the community previously mislabelled as 'Afro-Caribbean', 'Black British', 'UK Black', 'Coloured' and 'Black'. It embraces all British nationals with antecedents originating directly from Africa or indirectly via African diasporic communities, such as those in the Caribbean and South America. Our ideological position is that we are we are Africans in Britain, that is, British African stakeholders and residents but not subjects.

No, but we fully support the Afrikan Reparation Movement and advocate self-reparation. Ligali is a Pan-African human rights based organisation focused on challenging media misrepresentation and facilitating community healing by self empowerment and the securing of justice for Africans. Whilst we believe that Africa is due reparations from the perpetrators of the Maafa we do not campaign for them nor beg for apologies and financial compensation.

No. As part of our progressive Pan-African agenda we seek to reclaim our cultural identity, spiritual focus and socio-political sovereignty. Part of this reclamation is the rejection of backward terms like 'West Indian', 'Coloureds', 'blacks', 'Afro-Caribbean' and 'People of Colour'. These terms were created by others as labels to define African people.

No, but we do seek to incorporate a progressive Africentric spiritual ethos with our politics. Many of the traditional healing practices and rituals of our Ancestors offer essential solutions to the issues facing African people worldwide.

No. The Ligali position on non-Africans (so called 'white' people)  is simple. We work with all those that are willing to support our Pan African human rights agenda. We strongly oppose those who are racist, sexist and Afriphobic (anti-African).

No. Although we are an African British organisation in reality this simply means we are a Pan African organisation based in Britain. Whilst in the most instances we are prepared to accept donations and grants for our existing work, we are not prepared to compromise our ability to hold an uncompromising stance when challenging pan-African human right abuses and ethnicity based inequality. Our primary work is on issues affecting the African British community who are within our direct sphere of influence. Our strategic objective is to facilitate the improvement of socio-political conditions for all oppressed people worldwide.

No. But we do believe in the right for all people to self determine under accountable democratic systems of self rule no matter where they are in the world. It is our view that the existing models of democracy practiced by western nations such as the UK and the US are fundamentally corrupt and have little moral legitimacy.

Yes and No depending on your definition of a 'black' nationalism. No - because we do not seek to establish a seperate nation inside the UK. Yes - because we are advocates of Omowale Malcolm X's philosophy and belive we have the right to defend ourselves from any attack and self govern under a Pan African framework inside the UK.

Yes. Whilst we would not describe ourselves as a 'feminist' movement for cultural reasons, we do believe it necessary to have a specific policy that seeks to help address the socio-political imbalance that continues to oppress African women on the Continent and throughout the Diaspora.

No. Although we are pro-human rights and anti-discrimination, our staunch Africentric, socialist, anti-capitalist position means we do not formally define as a liberal or left-leaning for ideological reasons. We do not believe the solution requires adopting a moderate stance, we want and strive for a total socio-political revolution.

Yes, although it would be more accurate to say we are an activist collective sharing a diverse range of philosophical positions from our members and supporters. We use direct action and liberatory themed education to empower those we work for, and with. We are not anarchists, communists or Marxists but our politics incorporates core elements of all three theories. 

There are many ways you can help. You can support us best by donating either your time as a volunteer or your money to improve our resources. We always need writers, educators, artists and community workers unafraid of challenging abusive authorities in the media and material world. You can raise awareness of what we do by sharing news and comments about us throughout your social networks. We love to collaborate with like minds so if you are based in an institution (school, college, university, shop, church, youth club, members club, group or society), if you have access to a community building or public/private space then you can host an event. Organise for us to speak at an empowerment session or screen one of our films and set up an audience discussion to follow. In short, if you want to help then do something, nothing is not an option. Please use the supporting us page on this website and get in touch. 

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