Report : ‘white’ police officers resent anti-racist policies

By The Ligali Organisation | Sun 2 June 2013

Metropolitan police officers are reported to be angry at attempts to introduce equality and fairness into the forces recruitment and retention policies.

The Metropolitan Police’s Diversity Heath Check report has found many officers believe that “white, heterosexual males were being passed over for promotion” in favour of African and other non European colleagues. As a result the report states, there is a “growing antagonism towards diversity” in the UK’s largest police force.

The Met has failed to convince African and other minority ethnic communities that it is willing to police by consent. As such the institution which employs over 31,000 police officers remains characterised by its “institutional racist” label as defined by the Macpherson Report in 2002.

In May 2013, a court found the Metropolitan Police force guilty of 40 Counts of Discrimination against Former detective constable Kevin Maxwell.

The tribunal found that Maxwell, suffered multiple counts of degrading or humiliating treatment and was sacked after raising concerns about racist, homophobic behaviour.

Resentment revealed by Metropolitan Police’s Diversity Heath Check

Police Guilty

What the MET is guilty of:

− The MET was found to have committed 40 acts of discrimination, harassment and victimisation against one of their own officers.

− The MET leaked private and personal information to the press about a police counter-terrorism officer, potentially putting him and his family at risk.

− 20 years after Stephen Lawrence, the MET has not changed. It is still perpetuating discrimination and racism is endemic.

− The MET used black and ethnic minority officers as a “buffer” to stop non-white passengers at airports – white counter-terrorism officers would then take over to search the passenger.

After Mr Maxwell raised his original complaint in May 2010, the MET made every attempt to intimidate him into silence:

− Rather than being listened to, Mr Maxwell was further marginalised by his colleagues and superiors, forcing him out of the job he loved and was dedicated to for over a decade;

− His private information was sold to the Sun;

− Though having already resigned, he was reinstated by the MET for the sole purpose of subjecting him to spurious misconduct proceedings designed to discredit him;

− He was threatened with the OFFICIAL SECRETS ACT, and subject to other acts of intimidation for talking about his experiences.

Kevin Maxwell (Photograph: Martin Godwin/Guardian)

External Links
White backlash revealed at Scotland Yard
Officer hounded out of force like enemy of the state
Justice For Kevin – Court Ruling Highlights Police Racism & Homophobia
White officers accuse Metropolitan Police of racism

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