Toyin Agbetu is the founder of Ligali, a Pan African Human Rights Organisation that challenges Afriphobia and the misrepresentation of African people, culture and history in the British media

Toyin Agbetu is a father, writer, educator, artist-activist, anthopologist and Pan African community worker. He was born in London, UK and is an African of Yoruba heritage, Ogun spirit. As an independent film director his works include the award winning Beauty Is...,  Maafa: Truth 2007, Maisha: Solutions and The Walk. He has participated in numerous panel discussions including the Oxford Unions' This house would make reparation for colonialism' debate and been interviewed for various TV, radio and film productions on community issues ranging from African history to home education.

During the 1980 - 90’s he formed the record labels, Unyque Artists and Intrigue Records and became a prolific musician releasing numerous recordings on various major and independent labels. These previous works continue to be re-licensed and re-released across the world in vinyl and other formats. After his fathers passing in 1996, he founded the Ligali Organisation (2000) in his name, where as an educationalist and journalist he has published political, social and cultural media for African people worldwide. 

His international profile increased when on 27 March 2007 he successfully challenged the British monarch, church and government at Westminster Abbey, London at their public ritual of disrespect to the millions of African people lost during Maafa.

As head of social and education policy for Ligali, Toyin has also been responsible for a number of initiatives including; the Stuff You Should Know programme aimed at informing young people of their rights around stop and search; the No N Word campaign focusing on stemming the rampant use and negative reclamation of the offensive ‘n word’ in media and social institutions; the establishment of a national African Remembrance Day in the UK every August (started by the African Remembrance Day Committee) and an annual three minutes silence for Ancestor remembrance during Notting Hill Carnival in London (started by Phemy Williams). 

Late 2007, he started writing a weekly column called Nyansapo for the New Nation, a national newspaper for the African community. In 2009, he begun broadcasting a weekly interactive community radio program called the Pan African Drum. On the 5 June 2010 he tried to resign as the head of the Ligali organisation to become its curator-administrator. He took the time to home educate his children (on a part time basis) with his wife, complete a degree (first class) in Education and Community Development alongside Human Rights and Constitutional law. In 2014, he completed his Masters (with distinction) in Social and Cultural anthropology. In 2017 he organised the formation of Grenfell MediaWatch, a group of volunteer Citizen Journalists collaboratively working to secure justice for the families, friends and communities affected by the tragic Grenfell Tower fire in 2017. 

Toyin is a published author, his books include Ukweli - A Political and Spiritual Basis for Pan Africanism and  Revoetry - Poems form an African British Perspective

Through Ligali he has authored several reports including; Jesus Says Sorry: The Anatomy of a Political Apology for Slavery, Declaration of Protest to the 2007 Commemoration of the Bicentenary of the British Parliamentary Abolition, The Making of an Impoverished History: From G8 to Live8 and Addressing Maafa denial and slavery apologists.

Toyin believes that Pan Africanism only works when politics and spirituality is at the heart of its teachings. His ideology of education and community development fuses collaborative working with radical action for social justice, peace making, progressive community building and socio-political empowerment.

He is currently completing his research on institutional activism in East London for his PhD at University College London with the anthropology department.

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