The African race is in a state of perpetual pressure. We are in fact, at this point in our history, in a position where we are fighting for our literal survival upon this planet. The reality we face here in the UK is no different from that which we face in every other area on this planet – and this should ring alarm bells.
Our oppression is global and extremely serious and we should not get used to the fact we are oppressed. Every time a brother is brutalised by the police, our people detained in deportation centres with minimal to no rights and our people killed by racists we should not be shrugging our shoulders and bowing our heads in defeat. We can combat this.
The late Baba Amos Wilson told us that “there is no law in the universe that tells us our future survival is assured; that we will continue to exist now and into the future…the idea that we must necessarily arrive at a point greater than our ancestors could possibly be an illusion…history is not a fairy tale.”
With this in mind the 100 Mothers Movement launched the STOP petition at the beginning of 2015. This petition seeks to challenge the notion that racism in Britain no longer exists. African over representation in stop and search statistics, the prison population, mental health institutions, unemployment and deaths in custody remain and illustrate that our situation is far from improving.
The Campaign
2015 sees the beginning of the United Nations Decade for People of African Descent and this petition calls upon Britain to live up to live up to the long held values enshrined in national laws and international agreements. STOP the violation, killing and systematic destruction of people of African Descent’ identifies the disparity between the principles that British politicians proclaim to the world of freedom, equality and justice and the way that people of African descent and others from BME communities are actually treated in Britain.
Many of us do not realise the situation we are facing as a race, and this petition is as much about talking to each other and raising awareness as it is about collecting signatures. If more of us are conscious to our collective reality, the better chance we stand.
Action is required to survival and action has many forms. This petition is just one of those. It takes 2 minutes to sign and another 2 to pass it on.
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External LinksUnited Nations Decade for People of African DescentSTOP PetitionSTOP Campaign Blog
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